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Born to Be a Badass

Dec 23, 2019

This conversation with my friend and colleague Kelly Sayre is a fascinating dive into an aspect of self defense that is absolutely essential if your goal is to avoid having to deal with dangerous situations. 

Learning how to recognize potential danger and developing your skills can benefit you not just in a self defense...

Dec 16, 2019

If I've only got an hour or less to share my most important advice on how to be safe, this is what I talk about: how can you avoid being in a dangerous situation in the first place, if you can't avoid it what can you do to avoid violence, and if push comes to shove and you must defend yourself physically how can you...

Dec 9, 2019

This interview is not one about violence, it's about building a life that you love, despite obstacles and setbacks that might, if you let them, stop you in your tracks.

Leah Van Hoose is an extraordinary woman who has met all kinds of challenges with grace and courage.  She is an entrepreneur, coach, speaker, role model...